From: Gutermuth Frank (
Date: Mon Dec 01 2003 - 13:20:58 CET
Hello everybody,
especially to the organizers and participants of the Fluka-Course in
Frascati! In the meantime we tried to use Fluka with the heavy ion option
(DPMJET) to simulate the neutron production by a uranium beam (at GSI we
have really "heavy ions" ;-)). For the planned extension of the GSI
accelerator we would like to use Fluka for the shielding design. Uranium
shall be used as primary beam with energies up to approximately 35 GeV/u.
We started with a very simple geometry consisting of an iron target (box
shape 10cm X 10cm X 20cm). Everything worked smoothly as long as the energy
of the primary uranium particles stays below approximately 5 GeV/u. With
higher energies Fluka crashes and we get the following message in the log
>Subscript out of range on file line 284, procedure ficonf.f/ficonf.
>Attempt to access the 211-th element of variable nexc[subscript-2-of-2].
We used "NEW-DEFAULTS" both with EMF switched on and switched off. Maybe
some of the specialists/authors of the RQMD/DPMJET-extension of Fluka can
comment on this?
Thanks in advance
P.S. See our input file in the attachment.
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