CK production in FLUKA

From: John Clem (
Date: Tue Mar 30 2004 - 17:12:27 CEST

  • Next message: Alfredo Ferrari: "Re: CK production in FLUKA"

    Hi All,

    Does anyone know what is the current status of the CK production input
    option (i.e. OPT-PROD and OPT-PROP) ? The manual states "Warning: this
    option is not yet completely tested." which seems a bit ominous. Also in
    the manual the section describing the OPT-PROP option with" SDUM =
    METAL" doesn't indicate how to implement a diffusive reflecting surface.
    Is there a work around such as using an external subroutine to perform
    this (ex. change direction cosines in MGDRAW at boundary crossings) ??


  • Next message: Alfredo Ferrari: "Re: CK production in FLUKA"

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