Re: FLUKA Energy deposition in a calorimeter

From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 09:38:58 CEST

  • Next message: Konstantin Batkov: "lattic.f"

    Hi Paolo,
    what you did is correct. In the sense that by accessing mgdraw.f you
    can define the output of your choice.
    Alternatively, you can use some of the standard FLUKA outputs.
    See in the manual the cards:
    EVENTBIN (and/or EVENTDAT) to create event by event energy scoring, or
    USRBIN for the energy scoring averaged over the run and read carefully
    the advices how to access the readout.

    In this case it is advisable to create the unformatted output and to
    sum and analyze statistically independent runs. (For instance in the case
    of USRBIN or EVENTBIN you have to use the usbsuw.f program that you find
    in the flutil directory.)

    I advice you to use these standard outputs even if you are creating your
    own output from mgdraw.f.
    It is an important check, because the standard FLUKA outputs
    have been created (and checked an incredible number of times) to prevent
    possible problems to users and to just define the standard response in
    many (standard) problems.

    Please take time to study at least also the following output options:

    In calorimetry it might be useful to study the TCQUENCH card as well.

    Thank you for your note
            Giuseppe Battistoni

    On Mon, 10 May 2004, Paolo MAESTRO wrote:

    > Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 17:50:08 +0200 (CEST)
    > From: Paolo MAESTRO <>
    > To:
    > Cc:
    > Subject: FLUKA Energy deposition in a calorimeter
    > Hi ,
    > I'm a beginner with FLUKA , and I'm trying to understand some basic
    > things with a simple example.
    > I defined a block of tungsten 20 radiation lengths thick,
    > and I want to calculate the total energy ETOT_CAL deposited by a 20 GeV
    > electron
    > entering the calorimeter and record it into a histogram.
    > I modified the mgdraw.f routine so to calculate ETOT_CAL as the sum
    > of two different contributions:
    > 1. a loop over DTRACK(J) J=1,...Mtrack i.e. the energy deposition
    > along the tracks
    > 2. the RULL variable (local energy depositions) in the entry ENDRAW
    > I send you the code in attachment.
    > Doing this way , it seems that the output ETOT_CAL has the value I
    > expect, i.e. about 19.4 GeV since the shower is almost completely
    > contained.
    > Then I tested the method changing both the beam
    > energy and the particle type, and it seems it works well.
    > Anyhow, since I came to my procedure by several empirical attempts ,
    > I wonder if that is correct and if there are alternative ways to do the
    > same thing
    > at run time, I mean without analyzing the output files produced by
    > fluka.
    > I also put in attachment the input file I used.
    > Thanks
    > Paolo Maestro
    > P.S.

  • Next message: Konstantin Batkov: "lattic.f"

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