From: Reddell, Brandon D (
Date: Thu Apr 28 2005 - 15:52:29 CEST
Dear FLUKA users,
I am running my own source input through FLUKA to calculate the energy density absorbed (dose) in a slab of material. The geometry is very similar to the mu.inp example provided with the FLUKA code, except I am using Aluminum and Silicon. The spectrum that I am using is the AP-8 min proton differential spectrum for LEO that is available from SPENVIS.
The total energy density absorbed from USRBIN appears to be normalized per unit incident current. The number needs to be multiplied by a 'normalization' factor to convert it from the simulation value to a 'real world' value. For now, I was using the fact that the 4pi fluence is approximately equal to 4 times the total current crossing my slab surface, which is related to the differential spectrum -- so basically I was multiplying my FLUKA USRBIN result by (integral flux at minimum energy - the integral flux at the max energy)/4. The numbers match results from other programs fairly well, but with the FLUKA results running a little higher then at least 3 other codes. So, I am wondering if my method for normalization is correct.
Does anyone know a proper normalization method/factor to convert the USRBIN total energy deposited to a real-world value for spectrum sources?
Brandon Reddell
The Boeing Company
International Space Station
Plasma/Ionizing Radiation Team
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