From: Sébastien WURTH (
Date: Mon Sep 12 2005 - 10:05:14 CEST
Reddell, Brandon D a écrit :
>Dear FLUKA users,
>I am getting the following familiar error message that has been posted before:
> **** Low energy neutron xsec not found for some media 3 5 ****
>However, I can not determine what the problem is. Below are my material and assignment statements. Could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?
>Brandon Reddell
>*23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
>*MATERIAL 13.0 27.000 2.70 10.0 ALUMINUM
>*LOW-MAT 13.0 13.0 -2.0 293.0
>*MATERIAL 14.0 28.100 2.329 13.0 SILICON
>*23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
>MATERIAL 7.0 14.067 0.001251 7.0 NITROGEN
>LOW-MAT 7.0 7.0 -2.0 293. NITROGEN
>MATERIAL 8.0 15.999 0.001429 8.0 OXYGEN
>LOW-MAT 8.0 8.0 -2.0 293. OXYGEN
>MATERIAL 1.0 1.0079 8.988E-5 3.0 HYDROGEN
>LOW-MAT 3.0 3.0 -2.0 293.0 HYDROGEN
>* Argon material n. 18, normal temperature, overrides default mat. 18
>MATERIAL 18.0 39.948 1.400 18.0 ARGON
>LOW-MAT 18.0 18.0 -2.0 293.0 ARGON
>* Air (mat. 24): 3 components, N (mat. 7), O (mat. 8), gaseous Ar (mat. 18)
>MATERIAL 0.001225 26.0 AIR
>COMPOUND -.9256E-03 7.0 -.2837E-03 8.0 -.01572E-3 18.0 AIR
>* Water (mat. 20): H (material 3) and O (material 8)
>COMPOUND 2.0 3.0 1.0 8.0 WATER
>*23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
>* Aluminum
>ASSIGNMAT 10.0 3.0
>* External Black Hole
>ASSIGNMAT 1.0 1.0
>* Vacuum
>ASSIGNMAT 2.0 2.0
>* Air
>ASSIGNMAT 26.0 4.0
>* Water
>ASSIGNMAT 27.0 5.0
>ASSIGNMAT 27.0 6.0
>*23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
Hello Brandon,
Did you see the webcourse section on fluka's website ? It explains some
error messages and in particular those with your message.
Please follow that link :
Did you check the data you gave in Low-mat ? Do you really need Low-mat
for your problem ?
And I saw one other thing : you have commented off the ALUMINUM and
SILICON card (first lines of your material section), but in the
assignment section, you use ALUMINUM ... your aluminum is the default
one (pre-defined material number 10 in FLUKA) in this case, do you
really want this ?
I hope it helps.
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