From: Paolo MAESTRO (
Date: Tue Dec 13 2005 - 03:38:11 CET
Hi Fluka developers,
I have written an input card and tested using as primary particles
(BEAM) protons, electrons and ions
generated randomly at different incident angles.
The simulation works well and all the requested particles are tracked.
When I run the same program using RAY it generates few events
and then crashed with the following error
/home/fluka/flutil/rfluka: line 311: 5964 Aborted (core dumped) ${EXE}
The problem does not occur if the RAYs are generated at normal incidence
on the detector surface, i.e. it seems a problem related with tilted RAYs.
Do you have any idea about which could be the problem?
Thanks for your help
Paolo Maestro
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