From: Alfredo Ferrari (
Date: Thu Dec 15 2005 - 13:30:10 CET
Dear Chiara
you are setting the thresholds for materials from 8 to 26 included,
however you are using material 27.... so the 2 keV threshold is never set
for that material
On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Chiara D'Ambrosio wrote:
> Thanks Alberto.
> That's what I supposed, but there is something that I can't understand.
> I've used an input file with the following EMFCUT card:
> EMFCUT -0.000002 0.000001 1.0 8.0 26.0 PROD-CUT
> so the threshold kinetic energy for electrons must be 2 keV, isn't it?
> Trying to understand what the code is doing, I'm using mgdraw routine with
> several "write" like the following in ENDRAW:
> if (icode.eq.22) then
> write(*,*) 'Eel<threshold con Ecin=', Etrack*1000000-511.
> endif
> The answer is in the .log file that I attach: there are many electrons that,
> with icode=22, have a kinetic energy greater than 2 keV.
> What is then happening????
> Thanks again
> Chiara
> Alberto Fasso' wrote:
>> It is the electron or photon production threshold (AE or AP
>> in the old version with PEMF, or WHAT(1)/WHAT(2) of EMFCUT
>> with SDUM=PROD-CUT in new latest version).
>> To change it, change the values of AE/AP in the PEMF input, or
>> WHAT(1)/WHAT(2) in the EMFCUT card with PROD-CUT.
>> Alberto
>> On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Chiara D'Ambrosio wrote:
>>> Dear fluka users,
>>> is there anybody who can tell me which is the threshold taken into
>>> account in the entry ENDRAW of mgdraw user routine with icode = 22?
>>> Is it possible to change it? How?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Chiara D'Ambrosio
>>> LNF-INFN Research Division
>>> Via Enrico Fermi, 40
-- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: +41.22.767.6119 | | CERN-AB || Fax.: +41.22.767.7555 | | 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: | | Switzerland || | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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