From: Paola Sala (
Date: Wed Feb 15 2006 - 09:28:54 CET
I am not sure I unerstand your question, however:
the XB and WB you get "authomatically " from the FLUKA tracking.
The code "knows" the position and direction of the particle in the full
stores them in XB ( (x,y,z) ) and WB (cosx, cosy,cosz), passes them to the
lattic routine that should return the corresponding position in the
basic cell. For instance, suppose you defined a cubic base cell of
dimension L
centered at (0,0,0),
and repeated it N times by translation along x. During tracking, one
interacts in the J-th replica, at GLOBAL coordinates XB: the output
coordinates from lattic should be
Sb(1)= XB(1) - J*L
Sb(2)= XB(2)
Sb(3)= XB(3)
this gives the position "inside" the basic cell , so that the tracking can
be performed with the details of the cell
hope this helps
>dear Fluka users,
> i am new in fluka working on Fluka 2005 versions and want to use
>lattice geometry. i have read Fluka manual about lattice card and
>user routine also read presentation on lattice geometry in 5 days
> I have understood the example given in presentation ,but could not
>understand how we are getting the input parameters(XB,WB) of argument
>list in input file?
> Kidnly help me in this regards. Your help will greatly appreciate.
>Thank you
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