From: Sebastien WURTH (
Date: Thu Jun 08 2006 - 09:54:08 CEST
Vitaly Pronskikh a écrit :
>Dear FLUKA experts and users,
>I calculated secondary nuclei production in a C-12
>irradiated carbon target (for hadrotherapy purposes),
>and used the USRYIELD card to obtain the fragment
>Z distribution (see attachment), and have found the
>following two problem:
>1) distributions in d(Omega) and dE give very different
>results, even after correction for bin widths. And, most
>sad, both numbers differ from that from RESNUCL output,
>2) the product nuclei heavier then He seem not to be
>produced at all, despite that all necessary options seem
>to me to be turned on,
>Do you have any suggestions about this ?
Hello Vitaly,
In your RESNUCLEi card your WHAT(1) is set to 1.0, only spallation
products will be scored. Quoting Fluka's Manual (Resnuclei part) : all
inelastic interactions except those induced by neutrons below the
threshold for multigroup treatment. Is that really what you want ? With
CARBON, it is possible to score all residual nuclei.
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