Questions about DETECT card

From: Ioannis Kantemiris (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2006 - 12:41:47 CEST

  • Next message: Reddell, Brandon D: "Vacuum stopping error message with Alpha's"

    Hi All,

    When I use the DETECT card I don't get the expected spectrum.
    For example, I am using Co-60 source and a sphere of water, which is my
    When I use NEW-DEFA I take a spectrum which has the expected type of curve
    but the compton edges have wrong energy. The compton edge, based on the
    spectrum is for E=1.33MeV 0.993MeV instead of the real 1.115MeV and for
    E=1.17MeV is 0.832MeV instead of 0.96MeV. The 1.17 and 1.33MeV peaks are
    correct to the spectrum.
    But, when I use the CALORIME to the DEFAULT card, the spectrum hasn't the
    expected type of curve, but one can distinguise the compton edges from the
    spectrum which have the correct energy this time.
    My questions are:
    1)what is my fault (if there is any)?
    2)why the spectrum changes by changing these DEFAULT cards? (I've read the
    differences in the manual)
    3)the difference between the and is the
    radius of the water phantom (r=3cm and r=30cm respectively). Why there is
    such a big change to these spectrums, considering that the is
    for r=3cm?

    I am attaching you the input file, source.f and the ps files.
    (the ps' x-axis are the 1024 channels and not the energy, 1channel=1.46KeV)
    Thank you in advance.

    Ioannis Kantemiris
    PhD student
    Physics Dep. University of Athens, Greece

  • Next message: Reddell, Brandon D: "Vacuum stopping error message with Alpha's"

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