From: Joseph Comfort (
Date: Fri Nov 03 2006 - 20:22:59 CET
Hi Alberto,
Thank you for your response. I understood and appreciated it. My
irritation with Alfredo's message was more one of tone. It was a long
lecture detailing many complaints on minute issues (my opinion).
Whether Wang had the nicest looking programming style or not, in looking
at his code I do not think a cleaner version would have made much if any
difference. Requirements such as the emphasized 'MUST' use double
precision did not pertain to the problems raised by Wang. The same
message could have been much shorter and in the form of mild
suggestions. (Only the first paragraph really mattered.)
I fully agree with you about the effects of truncation and roundoff
errors on digital computers. I have taught numerical methods to
students, and made such issues clear to them. I also had a peculiar
case many years ago with a nuclear reaction code, where the least
significant bit out to ~60 made orders of magnitude difference in the
cross sections -- and that was for an 'arbitrary' number that would be
normalized out at the end. (An issue with irregular functions
dominating the results of integrations.) I worked with many such
reaction codes. At the time, double precision was slow, and memory use
and run times cost real money. So the codes were mostly single
precision, but I was careful to identify the parts that needed double
precision to obtain sensible accuracy for most of the range of
applications. Putting the entire code in double precision might have
been easier, but not needed and costly.
With regards to MC codes, Geant3 was mostly in SP, with some DP coding.
It generally worked well. (In fact, in some limited test calculations
between 32-bit and 64-bit compilations, there were no significant
differences.) In a recent paper we published (NIMB 246, 309 (2006)),
the G3 results were generally second best to Fluka in reproducing data,
with G4 results often quite different. I am currently studying other
situations of differences between Fluka and G4, where Fluka 'looks' fine
and G4 looks definitely wrong. The difference between Fluka and G4 (or
G3 and G4) is not one of double precision (and certainly not for some
limited coding in user routines), for the cases of interest to me, but
one of models and their implementation. Fluka seems the best to me at
the moment, but I often think it is very slow in comparison to other
codes. I am sure that there are cases where double precision is
essential to get sensible results (and maybe double precision on 64-bit
machines might be better). But pride in one's code should not be
overextended. Just let people appreciate the results.
Best regards,
-- Joseph Comfort Phone: (480)-965-6377 Department of Physics & Astronomy Dept.: (480)-965-3561 Arizona State University Fax: (480)-965-7954 Tempe, AZ 85287-1504 Email:
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