From: Biagio Di Micco (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2007 - 11:46:32 CET
Dear all,
this is the first time I write to this group.
It is some months I am using fluka for the simulation
of the KLOE calorimeter.
I need for my pourpose the type of the particle that are put in the
EMFSTK. I am trying to build the whole structure of the shower development
and to dump it in a ntuple. Unluckly the (EMFSTK) is not commented and, as
I have read in the previous mails of this discussion list, there aren't
further documentation files at the moment. Can someone help me?
Morever I guess that PMEMF is the particle momentum in MeV, is it right?
I am wondering because I have always seen energy and momenta expressed in
GeV until now.
Thanks in advance
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