From: Silvia Pani (
Date: Thu Jan 18 2007 - 11:38:07 CET
Dear all,
I am writing the geometry for a system for non-destructive testing
consisting of a total of 31 bodies and 16 regions.
I attach the geometry file below.
When I run the code with all bodies and regions it crashes, but it
doesn't crash if I remove ANY region out of a certain set (and
redefine the remaining regions, in particular the surrounding air,
accordingly), i.e. intcyl (a cylinder defined as the intersection-
subtraction of an infinite cylinder and two half-spaces), CCDhold,
extcase, case2, incase ("hollow boxes" defined as the subtraction of
a parallelepiped from another one).
The only common characteristic I have found within the set is that
the regions are obtained as a subtraction of bodies.
On the other hand the program still crashes if I remove one or more
"simpler" regions (i.e., those defined only as a sum of different
I guess it is not a problem of ill-defined geometry, otherwise it
wouldn't work with any of these regions removed (they are located in
different regions of space and they don't "interfere" with each
other). I am wondering whether there could be some sort of "memory"
problem, perhaps due to the fact that the more bodies I add the more
complex the "airound" region becomes.
Would that be possible? Any other suggestion?
Many thanks
0 10 defining the NDT system
RPP black -5e6 +5e6 -5e6 +5e6 -5e6 +5e6
RPP air -1e6 +1e6 -1e6 +1e6 -1e6 +1e6
* ----------test object-------
XCC infrod 0.0 0.0 2.0
XCC infint 0.0 0.0 1.5
XCC infsp 0.0 0.0 0.2
* base surfaces of test object
YZP rodsurf1 -50.0
YZP rodsurf2 50.0
* base surfaces of internal cylinder
YZP isurf1 -25.0
YZP isurf2 25.0
* spheres for end hemispheres
SPH ball1 -50.0 0.0 0.0 2.0
SPH ball2 50.0 0.0 0.0 2.0
* ---------------------------------------------
* lead casing
RPP leadout -67.0 +67.0 -63.8 +60.0 -120.0 +80.0
RPP leadin -64.5 +64.5 -61.3 +57.5 -117.5 +77.5
* holes in lead casing
XCC holes 0.0 0.0 6.0
* -------------------------------------------------
* X-ray system holder
RPP Xhold1 -50.0 +50.0 -40.0 +40.0 +67.5 +77.5
RPP Xhold2 -30.0 +30.0 -20.0 +20.0 +47.5 +67.5
RPP Xhold3 -20.0 +20.0 -40.0 -5.0 +32.5 +46.5
RPP Xhold4 -40.0 +40.0 -20.0 +20.0 +46.5 +47.5
*---------------main detector----------------
* CCD camera
RPP CCD -1.5 1.5 -1.0 1.0 -10.21 -10.18
*CCD holder
RPP Chold1 -3.0 +3.0 -3.0 +3.0 -13.0 -9.0
RPP Chold2 -2.7 +2.7 -2.7 +2.7 -10.31 -9.1
* scintillator
RPP CsI -1.5 1.5 -1.0 1.0 -10.03 -10.0
RPP fiber -1.5 1.5 -1.0 1.0 -10.18 -10.03
* Al substrate
RPP Alsub -1.5 1.5 -1.0 1.0 -10.31 -10.21
*-----------------line scan detector---
* Actual detector
RPP linesc -0.03 0.03 -30.2 -25.0 -10.21 -10.18
* GadOx scintillator
RPP gadox -0.03 0.03 -30.2 -25.0 -10.18 -10.17
* Al substrate
RPP Alsub1 -0.2 0.2 -30.2 -25.0 -10.31 -10.21
* plastic case
RPP plcase1 -3.2 3.2 -33.4 -21.8 -12.0 -9.0
RPP plcase2 -2.7 2.7 -32.9 -22.3 -10.31 -9.1
*----------------lead shielding----------------
RPP caseout -7.5 7.5 -40.0 -15.0 -15.0 -5.0
RPP casein -7.0 7.0 -39.5 -15.5 -14.5 -5.5
* black hole (body 1)
black 5 +black -air
* Rod (body 2)
rod 5 |(+infrod -infint +rodsurf2 -rodsurf1)
|(+infsp -isurf2 +rodsurf2) |(+ball2 - rodsurf2) | (+ball1 +rodsurf1)
* Inner cylinder (body 3)
intcyl 5 +infint +isurf2 -isurf1
* Lead casing (body 4)
incase 5 +leadout - leadin - holes
* CCD (body 5)
detect 5 +CCD
* X-ray holders (body 6)
Xhold 5 |+Xhold1 |+Xhold2 |+Xhold3 |+Xhold4
* CCD holders (body 7)
CCDhold 5 +Chold1 -Chold2
* air around (body 8)
airound 5 +air - (|(+infrod -infint +rodsurf2 -rodsurf1)
|(+infsp -isurf2 +rodsurf2)|(+ball2 - rodsurf2) | (+ball1 +rodsurf1))
- (+infint +isurf2 -isurf1)
- CCD - (+leadout-leadin-holes)
- (|+Xhold1 |+Xhold2 |+Xhold3 |+Xhold4)
-(+Chold1 -Chold2)
- CsI -Alsub -fiber
-(+caseout -casein)
- linesc
-gadox -Alsub1
- (+plcase1 -plcase2)
* scintillator (body 9)
scint 5 +CsI
* FOP (body 10)
FOP 5 +fiber
* Al substrate (body 11)
substra 5 + Alsub
* lead case (body 12)
case2 5 +caseout -casein
* line scan detector (body 13)
scan 5 +linesc
* GadOx layer (body 14)
phosph 5 +gadox
* line scan substrate (body 15)
Alscan 5 +Alsub1
* detector case for line scan (body 16)
extcase 5 +plcase1 -plcase2
Dr Silvia Pani
University College London
Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering
Malet Place Engineering Building
London WC1E 6BT
Tel +44 20 76790259
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