From: Joseph Comfort (
Date: Wed Mar 21 2007 - 21:22:43 CET
I am looking a particle production for the 30-GeV proton beam on a
nickel target, about 5 cm thick. We are especially interested in
neutrons, including low-energy ones. I am using the PRECISION option
(and no LOW-BIAS card).
Attached is a pdf figure of an expanded portion of the neutron (and
photon) momentum distribution. There are a couple of kinks near 200
MeV/c and 1 GeV/c. The lower one is probably the break at 19.6 MeV
energy; the second one is near 400-500 MeV.
Do the kinks represent changes in algorithms. How seriously should I
take them? Are there ways to smooth them out? I will probably
parameterize the distribution in some way, after acquiring some more
events. It is not clear if I need to incorporate the kinks, or go
smoothly across them.
Thank you,
Joe Comfort
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