From: Tang, Alfred (
Date: Sat Mar 24 2007 - 08:34:37 CET
Dear Giuseppe,
Thank you for the pointers. I understand the concepts of fluence and USRTRACK in general. But what does it mean in principle to measure the tracklength of neutron balance? In particular, how is tracklength for particle 222 (NEUT-BALA) scored in FLUKA?
Alfred Tang
Physics Department
Kansas State University
13 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
(785) 532-1699
From: Giuseppe Battistoni []
Sent: Thu 3/22/2007 8:50 AM
To: Tang, Alfred
Cc: Fluka Discussion
Subject: Re: estimating neutron rate using USRTRACK
Dear Alfred,
the tracklength for a given particle type is calculated
by summing, for each primary history, the actual path covered
by those particles, without projecting to any direction.
In order to understand correctly all those issues related to the
scoring in FLUKA please refer to the lecture that you can find in:
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007, Tang, Alfred wrote:
> Dear FLUKA users,
> I am trying to use USRTRACK to estimate the muon-induced neutron rate in a liquid scintillator. I use a realistic muon profile as input and propagate the muons through a realistic detector. I measure the track lengths of muon, neutron and neutron balance of the LS region and hope to deduce an estimate for the neutron rate Rn as follow:
> Rn=Rmu*A*B*C
> where Rmu=muon rate on the LS region, A=neutron_tracklength/muon_tracklength, B=neutron_balance/muon_tracklength and C=sqrt(3). A has the meaning of the ratio of the fluence of the neutron and the fluence of muon. B hopefully gives me the number of neutrons per primary muon. Assuming that the tracklength of neutron is measured only along the direction parallel to the muon track, the factor C=sqrt(3) is meant to convert neutron fluence into neutron rate.
> Since I do not know how FLUKA score tracklength, I do not know if my assumptions are correct. If I am right in assuming the things aforementioned, I am able to calculate a neutron rate for KamLAND that agrees with the experimental result exactly. Can anyone comment on the correctness of this calculation?
> Regards,
> Alfred
> *****************************************************
> Alfred Tang
> Physics Department
> Kansas State University
> 13 Cardwell Hall
> Manhattan, KS 66506
> (785) 532-1699
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