Date: Thu Apr 12 2007 - 10:52:03 CEST
Hi Giuseppe,
Since my earlier email I have found the lines in FLUKA! Next, I'd like to get time-dependent spectra. E.g. I'd like to see the gamma spectrum after every x minutes. Any tip for doing this please?
From: Chin MPW Dr (Physics)
Sent: Wed 11-Apr-07 22:02
To: Giuseppe Battistoni
Subject: RE: Fwd: delayed (n, gamma)
Hi Giuseppe,
I'm looking for gamma lines such as:
1.78 MeV from 27Al(n,g)28Al, half-life 2.3 m
0.847, 1.811 and 2.113 MeV from 55Mn(n,g)56Mn, half-life 2.6 h
1.369 and 2.754 MeV from 23Na(n,g)24Na, half-life 15 h
0.479 and 0.686 MeV from 186W(n,g)187W, half-life 23.9 h
0.511 and 0.564 MeV from 121Sb(n,g)122Sb, half-life 28 d
1.346 MeV from 63Cu(n,g)64Cu as well as 65Cu(g,n)64Cu, half-life 12.7 h
0.511 MeV from 63Cu(g,n)62Cu, half-life 9.7 m
1.378 and 1.92 MeV from 58Ni(g,n)57Ni, half-life 36 h
Thanks very much.
From: Giuseppe Battistoni []
Sent: Tue 10-Apr-07 09:19
Subject: Re: Fwd: delayed (n, gamma)
Can you be a little bit more explicit on what you really would like to
If you mean delayed emission of neutrons:
it is true that we do not produce them in FLUKA, but there is
no particular difficulty behind that. Their inclusion is part of our
project of improvement of the neutron library and we hope to achieve that
goal, soon or later.
If you are instead interested in gamma emission after neutron capture,
then this is already included in FLUKA.
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Mon, 9 Apr 2007,
> Hello,
> I understand that FLUKA doesn't simulate delayed (n,gamma). Some other Monte Carlo codes don't simulate this either, although one is beginning to implement it. May I know why... is there any specific difficulty... what is the issue...
> 1. Cross sections availability? I thought the cross sections are known?
> 2. Implementation into sampling algorithm(s)?
> 3. The process being negligible? I imagine not.
> Just seeking some education. Thanks very much.
> :) mary
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