From: Markus Brugger (
Date: Fri May 11 2007 - 13:55:12 CEST
Hi Bill,
running FLUKA on a DELL is continuously done with all versions. For
Windows, however, for the moment there is no official release. It is
currently tested and it is planned to have a FLUKA version running under
CygWin ready for the next major FLUKA release.
As for your two other questions, FLUKA models heavy ions including
DPMJET and it's successfully used by many users. Furthermore, comparing
one MC code with another always is a tricky issue as it heavily depends
on the respective application you're looking at. Obviously, if you have
a somewhat pure low-energy neutron problem MCNP offers you a more
detailed treatment, the same way when going to high energies (> several
GeV and more) the models used in FLUKA are well tested and benchmarked.
If you want to find out more about the capabilities of FLUKA I suggest
to have a look on the existing FLUKA publications and presentations, of
which a selection can be found at:
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Atkinson, William J
> Sent: 10 May 2007 14:07
> Subject: RE: Fluka on Mac OS X?
> Importance: High
> Does anyone have experience installing FLUKA on DELL with Windows?
> Also, how does FLUKA compare with capabilities of MCNP?
> Does it model heavy ions?
> New User
> Bill
> William J Atkinson, Ph.D.
> Scientist
> The Boeing Company
> P.O. Box 240002
> Mail Code JW-53
> Bldg 48-18.2 3016
> Huntsville, AL. 35824-6402
> Work : 256-461-2612
> FAX : 256-464-4146
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