From: Adolf Nordin (
Date: Wed May 16 2007 - 11:16:59 CEST

  • Next message: Chris Theis: "RE: USERDUMP Help"

    Hallo everyone

    I've been using Fluka for two years now simulating an accelerator for various things, from generating percentage depth dose curves to bunker shielding. My results compare well with measured data, however, there is still one thing that I can't do and will appreciate help on this topic.

    I would like to create a “phase space file” under the flattening filter of my accelerator. That way I don't have to simulate the production of x-rays in the target every time I change the field size but use the “phase space file” as a source input. As far as I understand USERDUMP is used for this. So my questions are:

    1. Can USERDUMP be used to create a “phase space file”?
    2. If so, how is the position where the USERDUMP file must be created defined because I can't find anything about it in the manual (I might have missed it)? Using USERDUMP, as far as I understand, all particles in all directions will be dumped into the file and I would like only particles going into a certain direction to be dumped into the file.
    3. If this USERDUMP file has been generated, how does one use it in other simulations as the source input?

    As mentioned I want to create a “phase space file” under the flattening filter which is a known distance under the target (target at z = 0).

    Any help regarding this will be appreciated.



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  • Next message: Chris Theis: "RE: USERDUMP Help"

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