From: paola sala (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2007 - 11:12:13 CEST
In your input you have LAM-BIAS with the INEPRI sdum. This means
that biasing will be applied only to primary particles, that in your
case are ELECTRONS. Photons are generated as secondary particles,
therefore their ineleastic interactions will NOT be biased. Try to leave
blank the sdum field of lam-bias, ans see if it works.
I did not check the rest of your bias..
I am using fluka for designing Accelerator based neutron
In this connection i have made a input file, i am attaching it for
The configuration of my machine is 3GHZ and 1 GB RAM. Though i
used biasing option, the output of file (69 no)) showing statistical
error near about 30 % after 15 runs. The 15runs took almost 17-18
Is the biasing option used are right? or i have run the input for
more time. Also suggest me that how can i improve the input
Thanking you in an anticipation
Mr. Bhushankumar Jagnnath Patil.
Microtron Accelerator Lab.
Department of Physics,
University of Pune,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007
Ph. No. Off. 020-25692678 Ext. 421
Mob. 9823968377
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