From: Sebastien WURTH (
Date: Mon Sep 03 2007 - 09:34:01 CEST
Indeed, you have a slight error in your geometry declaration. In
paraffin6.inp, there a blank too much between -3 and -4, when you
declare region number 2 (air around). In consequence, your region is (+2
-3) instead of (+2 -3 -4) ! That's why you don't see any neutron in your
My advice when such problems occur : check the *.out file, interpreted
body and region echo (how fluka understands your geometry).
And one further thing : try to visualize your geometry, it helps. It's
how I found the issue in this case, because I couldn't see the RCC.
Best Regards.
kaushik banerjee wrote :
> /Dear FLUKA development team, //
> // I am interested in studying few MeV neutrons (AmBe source) tranport
> through a paraffin block and want to count the neutron track in a 2”by
> 2” liquid scintillator detector placed 33cm from the paraffin block
> along z-axis. /
> I analyse the fluka result using ustsuw program.
> First (paraffin6.inp) I used one RPP as paraffin block and one RCC as
> my Liquid scintillator detector , I didn’t found any count in my
> detector .
> Then (paraffin5.inp) I slightly change my geometry using only one RPP
> and divided it in three parts using planes XYP, and I got count in my
> detector portion.
> with regards
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>Neutron fluence inside and around a neutron-irradiated Paraffin target
>BEAM -0.0102 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NEUTRON
>BEAMPOS 0.0 0.0 -33.0
> A simple Be target inside vacuum
> RPP 1 -5000.0 +5000.0 -5000.0 +5000.0 -5000.0 +5000.0
> RPP 2 -1000.0 +1000.0 -1000.0 +1000.0 -1000.0 +1000.0
> RPP 3 -12.5 +12.5 -6.5 +6.5 0.0 +43.0
>* RPP 4 -12.5 +12.5 -6.5 +6.5 +5.5 +8.5
>* RCC 4 0.0 -2.5 33.0 0.0 5.0 0.0
>* 2.5
>* RCC 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 33.0 33.0
>* 2.5
> XYP 4 10.0
> XYP 5 38.0
>* black hole
> 1 5 +1 -2
>* Air around
> 2 5 +2 -3
>* Paraffin block
> 3 5 +3 +4
>* air b/w paraffin block and detector
> 4 5 +3 -4 +5
>* detector
> 5 5 +3 -5
>MATERIAL 4.0 9.0122 1.848 5.0 BERYLLIU
>*MATERIAL 0.0 0.00 0.001205 26.0 AIR
>*COMPOUND -0.000124 6.0 -0.755268 7.0 -0.231781 8.0 AIR
>*COMPOUND -0.012827 20.0 AIR
>COMPOUND -0.148605 3.0 -0.851395 6.0 PARAFFIN
>* Polythene (mat. 29): H (material 3) and C (material6)
>MATERIAL 0.94 29.0 POLY-CH2
>COMPOUND 2.0 3.0 1.0 6.0 POLY-CH2
>*MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 1.0 28.0 WATER
>*COMPOUND 2.0 3.0 1.0 8.0 WATER
>*LOW-MAT 3.0 1.0 -3.0 293.0 HYDROGEN
>MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 1.0 20.0 WATER
>COMPOUND 2.0 3.0 1.0 8.0 WATER
>MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 0.001205 24.0 AIR
>COMPOUND -0.000124 6.0 -0.755267 7.0 -0.231781 8.0 AIR
>COMPOUND -0.012827 9.0 AIR
>*LOW-NEUT 72.0 22.0 6.7032E-3 2.0 1.0 11.0
>*LOW-BIAS 70.0 72.0 0.95 3.0 4.0 0.0
>*PART-THR -0.002 1.0 10.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
>ASSIGNMAT 20.0 5.0
>* region b/w paraffin block and detector
>ASSIGNMAT 24.0 4.0
>* Paraffin block
>ASSIGNMAT 27.0 3.0
>* External Black Hole
>ASSIGNMAT 1.0 1.0
>* Air
>ASSIGNMAT 24.0 2.0
>* e+e- and gamma production threshold set at 100 KeV
>EMFCUT -1.0E-9 1.0E-9 0.0 20.0 27.0 PROD-CUT
>* score in each region energy deposition and stars produced by primaries
>* SCORE 208.0 8.0 7.
>SCORE 208.0 211.0
>USRTRACK -1.0 8.0 -48.0 5.0 1000.0 20. nuFluen
>USRTRACK 3.0 0.0 &
>USRTRACK -1.0 1.0 -49.0 5.0 1000.0 20. prFluen
>USRTRACK 3.0 0.0 &
>START 5000000.0
>Neutron fluence inside and around a neutron-irradiated Paraffin target
>BEAM -0.3025 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NEUTRON
>BEAMPOS 0.0 0.0 -33.0
> A simple Be target inside vacuum
> RPP 1 -5000.0 +5000.0 -5000.0 +5000.0 -5000.0 +5000.0
> RPP 2 -1000.0 +1000.0 -1000.0 +1000.0 -1000.0 +1000.0
> RPP 3 -12.5 +12.5 -6.5 +6.5 0.0 +5.0
>* RPP 4 -12.5 +12.5 -6.5 +6.5 +6.0 +8.5
> RCC 4 0.0 -2.5 33.0 0.0 5.0 0.0
> 2.5
>* RCC 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 33.0 33.0
>* 2.5
>* XYP 5 5.0
>* XYP 6 38.0
>* black hole
> BH1 5 +1 -2
>* Air around
> AR2 5 +2 -3 -4
>* Paraffin block
> PF3 5 3
>* air b/w paraffin block and detector
>* 4 5 +3 -5 +6
>* detector
> DE4 5 4
>MATERIAL 4.0 9.0122 1.848 5.0 BERYLLIU
>*MATERIAL 0.0 0.00 0.001205 26.0 AIR
>*COMPOUND -0.000124 6.0 -0.755268 7.0 -0.231781 8.0 AIR
>*COMPOUND -0.012827 20.0 AIR
>*COMPOUND -0.148605 3.0 -0.851395 6.0 PARAFFIN
>* Polythene (mat. 29): H (material 3) and C (material6)
>*MATERIAL 0.94 29.0 POLY-CH2
>*COMPOUND 2.0 3.0 1.0 6.0 POLY-CH2
>*MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 1.0 28.0 WATER
>*COMPOUND 2.0 3.0 1.0 8.0 WATER
>*LOW-MAT 3.0 1.0 -3.0 293.0 HYDROGEN
>MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 1.0 20.0 WATER
>COMPOUND 2.0 3.0 1.0 8.0 WATER
>MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 0.001205 24.0 AIR
>COMPOUND -0.000124 6.0 -0.755267 7.0 -0.231781 8.0 AIR
>COMPOUND -0.012827 9.0 AIR
>LOW-NEUT 72.0 22.0 6.7032E-3 2.0 1.0 11.0
>LOW-BIAS 70.0 72.0 0.95 3.0 4.0 0.0
>PART-THR -0.002 1.0 10.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
>ASSIGNMAT 20.0 4.0
>* region b/w paraffin block and detector
>*ASSIGNMAT 24.0 4.0
>* Paraffin block
>ASSIGNMAT 20.0 3.0
>* External Black Hole
>ASSIGNMAT 1.0 1.0
>* Air
>ASSIGNMAT 2.0 2.0
>* e+e- and gamma production threshold set at 100 KeV
>EMFCUT -1.0E-9 1.0E-9 0.0 20.0 27.0 PROD-CUT
>* score in each region energy deposition and stars produced by primaries
>* SCORE 208.0 8.0 7.
>SCORE 208.0 211.0
>USRTRACK -1.0 8.0 -48.0 4.0 1000.0 100. nuFluen
>USRTRACK 3.0 0.0 &
>USRTRACK -1.0 1.0 -49.0 4.0 1000.0 20. prFluen
>USRTRACK 3.0 0.0 &
>START 5000.0
>3.250E-03 2.5151E+03
>3.750E-03 1.9055E+03
>4.250E-03 1.9233E+03
>4.750E-03 2.4983E+03
>5.250E-03 2.0782E+03
>5.750E-03 2.0344E+03
>6.250E-03 2.0628E+03
>6.750E-03 1.3353E+03
>7.250E-03 1.3713E+03
>7.750E-03 1.6601E+03
>8.250E-03 1.3330E+03
>8.750E-03 6.1788E+02
>9.250E-03 7.7370E+02
>9.750E-03 9.3801E+02
>1.025E-02 5.8393E+01
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.6 : Mon Sep 03 2007 - 13:05:13 CEST