From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Thu Sep 06 2007 - 10:41:58 CEST
In the $FLUPRO/flutil directory there is a Makefile which takes care of
the compilation of all relevant utilities.
Go there and just type;
However, this is not the point since the first attempt of compilation that
you list was correct.
Your problem might come instead from something that is corrupt.
When you call that executable it should give a prompt like:
Type the input file:
Before that, at initialization time, usrsuw.f reads the
"nuclear.bin" file in unit 14 and that file should stay in $FLUPRO.
Please check:
1) that $FLUPRO is correctly defined
2) that nuclear.bin file is there and ONLY there
3) nuclear.bin file could be corrupted, or you are pointing to an old
version of it: in case, extract it again from the
fluka tarball distribution and place it in the $FLUPRO directory
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Wed, 5 Sep 2007, Tang, Alfred wrote:
> Dear FLUKA users,
> Can anyone tell me how to compile usrsuw.f in FLUKA2006.3b? I issue:
> $ lfluka -o usr usrsuw.f
> The executable usr is created. When I try to run it, I get these error messages:
> $ usr
> start: end of file
> apparent state: unit 14 named fort.14
> lately reading sequential unformatted external IO
> Aborted (core dumped)
> I did not have this problem before. I do not have any problem compiling ustsuw.f and usxsuw.f using the same compilation method. I have tried:
> $ fff usrsuw.f
> $ lfluka -m usrsuw -o usr usrsuw.o
> but that did not work neither.
> Regards,
> Alfred
> *****************************************************
> Alfred Tang
> Physics Department
> Kansas State University
> 13 Cardwell Hall
> Manhattan, KS 66506
> (785) 532-1699
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