From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Fri Sep 07 2007 - 10:24:30 CEST
The first thing is: are you sure that you have the very last version of
FLUKA2006? Which is the date of your release? The last respin was of
July 27th.
In case you should try to use that.
If you were using exactly the last version, it is instead important to
understand what has happend.
In order to do that, you should send us all the material of your problem:
user routines, input file, possible additional files, and the last random
number seed left out by the code.
It is easy to restart close to the point where the error was generated:
after the crash, FLUKA leaves a random seed which was written no more than
5 minutes of CPU before the crash.
Suggestion: it is always advisable to split your job in a larger number of
runs. each one of them should not last more than, say, a reasonable number
of hours. In such a case you can discard the last aborted run and restart
using another random seed or given the needed parameter to the RANDOMIZE
card (see the manual for instructions).
Giuseppe Battistoni
for the FLUKA team
On Wed, 5 Sep 2007, Fan Lei wrote:
> I am running a fairly large simulation of proton incident on a rock target.
> The run was aborted after days of cpu time, with the message:
> "
> ...
> Abort called from ICLSSF reason NO CHANNEL SELECTED Run stopped!
> "
> I guess what happened was that a rare reaction had been picked but the
> particular reaction has not been fully implemented in the models.
> My question is that is there a way around this problem, e.g. discard the
> particular event rather than abort the whole execution?
> -------------------------------------------
> Fan Lei, Ph.D.
> Principal Scientist
> Space Division
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