From: Paola Sala (
Date: Mon Sep 10 2007 - 09:08:13 CEST
Hi Mary
The answers depends on what are you looking for, and at which energy:
for instance, if you use as projectile neutrons below 20 MeV, you will
get exactly the same results for all calculations, simply because the
neutron cross section data set is the same, there is no separate data
set for the different copper isotopes (while there are different ones
for Uranium and others)
In general, if you are looking to general shower behaviour in a thick
target, I expect no big difference, the two isotopes do not have very
different properties and as soon as low energy neutron are produced,
they will behave the same for all copper isotopes.
To see any difference, your set up should be such as to minimize the
importance of low energy neutron interactions, and the "observable "
should be a specific one, for instance residual nuclei distribution.
On Sat, 2007-09-08 at 20:42 +0100, wrote:
> Hi.
> I ran 3 separate simulations containing the following lines respectively:
> MATERIAL 29 62.9296 1. 26.0 63. COPPER
> MATERIAL 29 63.546 1. 26.0 COPPER
> MATERIAL 29 64.928 1. 26.0 65. COPPER
> I'm looking for (g,n) and (n,g) reactions, and expected the 3 simulations to produce different radiation showers. However, I've got identical showers from the three. Could someone please help?
> Thanks,
> mary
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