From: Ing. Alessandro A. Porta (
Date: Mon Sep 10 2007 - 12:22:04 CEST
Hy, here you can find the VXL file (without ANY voxel region made of a
single voxel !!!), the GEO file and the INP one.
Please note: the run works properly without any problem on a 32 bit cluster
with RedHat OS, on a 64bit workstation with Fedora 7 (32bit!) but it doesn't work on a 64bit cluster with CentOS.
Each FLUKA (the latest available version) was download and installed in the
same manner following the usual procedure but on the CentOS cluster I can
work only with standard INP file without ANY voxel geometry.
The cluster should be 32bit-compatible and the cluster managers are
astonished about the situation. The g77 and gcc are compatible with the
requested ones.
I can't understand the problem.
Best regards
Alessandro A. Porta, Ing., EQ III, Ph.D.
CESNEF - Politecnico di Milano
Via Ponzio 34/3 - 20133 Milano - Italy
ph.: +39-02-2399-6365 / 6300
fax. +39-02-2399-6309
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