ASSIGNMA command for the case of the free format region input

From: Vadim Talanov (
Date: Thu Oct 11 2007 - 15:24:36 CEST

  • Next message: Jason Crawford: "Question for setting USRBIN energy threshold"

    Dear FLUKA experts,

    My question may sound absolutely silly, nevertheless:

    Where in the FLUKA manual is described how to assign materials to regions in the
    case of the free format region input (i.e. by region name rather than by region
    number, if I correctly understand the free format geometry)? In particular - how
    to switch on the magnetic field in the regions in this case?

    PS: is the link to the manual at
    still valid?

    Kind regards, Vadim

  • Next message: Jason Crawford: "Question for setting USRBIN energy threshold"

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