Date: Sat Oct 20 2007 - 15:46:25 CEST
Dear Alberto,
Thanks for pointing out my used of the term, 'radiation showers'. I realised that I used the term losely -- partly due to my earlier exposure to e+/e-/photons (started to work with heavier particles only much later) -- no excuse though. I must be careful next time and would like to be sure that I understand correctly at this point: do radiation showers apply to electromagnetic ones only? How about 'cascade'?
Thanks very much,
From: Alberto Fasso' []
Sent: Mon 10-Sep-07 09:47
Subject: Re: individual isotope
Dear Mary,
(g,n) and (n,g) reactions are different on different nuclei, so you can expect
to get different results concerning nuclear effects (e.g., neutron yield,
residual nuclei). On the other hand, "radiation showers" (you are meaning
electromagnetic showers, I guess) depend on the charge (Z) but very little on
the mass (A) of the nuclei: so it is no surprise that you don't see any
And even (g,n) reactions have a very weak dependence on A, that cannot give
substantial differences between A = 63 and 65, which differ by less than 2%.
Concerning (n,g) reactions, perhaps one could expect some differences
in the production of residual nuclei between Cu-63 and Cu-65: but the
present neutron library of FLUKA contains only natural copper (see Chap. 10
of the manual). In the new library which is just now in preparation,
also the two individual isotopes will be available (probably near the end of
this year).
On Sat, 8 Sep 2007, wrote:
> Hi.
> I ran 3 separate simulations containing the following lines respectively:
> MATERIAL 29 62.9296 1. 26.0 63. COPPER
> MATERIAL 29 63.546 1. 26.0 COPPER
> MATERIAL 29 64.928 1. 26.0 65. COPPER
> I'm looking for (g,n) and (n,g) reactions, and expected the 3 simulations to
> produce different radiation showers. However, I've got identical showers from
> the three. Could someone please help?
> Thanks,
> mary
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