Re: [fluka-discuss]: [FLUKA] time distribution

From: Francesc Salvat-Pujol <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 11:30:32 +0100

Dear Barbara,

If you want to follow the production of residual nuclei, their decay in
time, and the dose due to decay products for a given irradiation profile
and cooling time (or combinations thereof), there is a thoroughly tested
built-in way which should suffice. See the manual for cards IRRPROFI,
RADDECAY, DCYSCORE, as well as e.g.

However, if you want to simulate the spectrum of arrival times, say in
some boundary, assumed with respect to the instant when the primary
(beam) particle starts tracking, I am not aware of a pre-cooked way to
do this. If you're up to a bit of user-routine coding, one place to
start would be the main entry in mgdraw.f (called at every particle
step) or ENTRY BXDRAW (called at boundary crossings). See the mgdraw.f
notes in the manual to see what the subroutine arguments are.

Here are some potentially useful variables in the COMMON block
'(TRACKR)' which you can access (but do not modify):

  - ATRACK gives the age of the tracked particle with respect to the
    start of the primary (beam) particle.

  - IPRODC flags particles as prompt (1) or delayed (2) radioactive
    decay products.

  - JTRACK is the particle type.

  - LTRACK records the generation number.

You could e.g. print out ATRACK and JTRACK (implementing whichever
further logics to intercept whichever particles you need) to some output
file to be postprocessed offline to produce your particle-arrival-time

Hope this helps somewhat...


On Wed, Nov 07 2018, at 17:18 +0000, Barbara Maria Latacz wrote:
>Hi Fluka Experts,
>Do you know if there is any "easy" way to simulate the time distribution of produced particles?
>I want to check the effect of an activation of one material in time and thus I need to know how many particles are reaching my detector in the function of time.
>(I want to know what is the decay time of the background).
>Thank you for all you help!
>Best regards,

Francesc Salvat Pujol
CH-1211 Geneva 23
Tel: +41 22 76 64011
Fax: +41 22 76 69474
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