Re: usrbdx + flair

From: Vasilis Vlachoudis (
Date: Wed Jan 09 2008 - 10:05:07 CET

  • Next message: Paola Sala: "FLUGG patches"

    Dear Bhushan,

     From the manual:
    "Note: The results of a USRBDX boundary crossing estimator are
               always given as DOUBLE DIFFERENTIAL distributions of
               fluence (or current) in energy and solid angle, in units
               of cm-2 GeV-1 sr-1 per incident primary, EVEN WHEN ONLY
               1 INTERVAL (BIN) HAS BEEN REQUESTED, which is often
               the case for angular distributions."
    The output of the USRBDX card is fluence. Now if you do what you are
    asking "multiply by the difference of the Ist and IInd column" what you
    will get is a histogram of weighted counts for every energy bin.
    For flair please look in the last fluka courses the flair-2.pdf file.
    You have several options depending on what you will like to plot, both
    on the X-axis and the Y-axis.
    Variables: "Low" xl = Ist column, "High" xh = IInd column, Y = IIIrd column

    1. GeoMean: sqrt(xl*xh) <Xgeo>
        The geometrical mean of the two values. Useful if you want to plot
    point in the geometrical center of each bin. To be used only if you make
    a logX plot. Be careful this is only for plotting it doesn't care what
    you have scored in fluka linear or log in energy.
    2. Mean (xl+xh)/2 <X>
        Normal mean. To be used for linear plots
    3. Low (xl)
        Low value of the bin. To be used when plotting like a histogram the
    data, together with the "steps" style
    4. High (xh)
        High value of the bin. Same as 3 but for "histeps"

    There you have several choices on the way you want to represent your data
    i) Y
    The value of the IIIrd column as given by fluka
    ii) Y x <X>
    The value multiplied by the mean of the first two columns. To plot in
    isolethargic way with linear x-axis
    iii) Y x <Xgeo>
    Multiplied by the geometric mean. Isolethargic way with log x-axis
    iv) Y x Xl
    v) Y x Xh
    vi) Y x DX
    Number of "counts" per bin.

    * To plot normal fluence like a histogram (log or linear) you have to choose
    X: Low [xl]
    Y: Y
    With: steps

    * To plot normal fluence with error bars (linear)
    X: Mean (xl+xh)/2
    Y: Y
    With: errorbars

    * To plot normal fluence with error bars (log)
    X: GeoMean sqrt(xl*xh)
    Y: Y
    With: errorbars

    * To plot isolethargic fluence as histogram (log)
    X: Low [xl]
    Y: X*<Ygeo>
    With: steps



    B H U S H A N wrote:
    > Dear fluka users and experts,
    > USRBDX 101.0 7.0 -31.0 20.0 3.0 10.5768PhFluenUD
    > USRBDX 0.006 0.00 100.0 &
    > This is my usrbdx card for the detection of photon fluence. I want to
    > calculate fluence of photon passing through the region 20 to 3. how can i
    > get it?
    > I was doing fluence calulation by this way
    > IIIrd column in *_tab.lis (i.e photon/cm^2/GeV/primary particle)
    > multiply this by the differece of Ist and IInd column of the same row.
    > Is this right? if not please reply me the correct way. does the
    > same way is useful for neutron fluence calculation?
    > Also I have installed flair, in flair for plotting USR-1D and in
    > detector information of this there are 6 different option for Y axix
    > selection. like
    > i) Y
    > ii) Y x <X>
    > iii) Y x <Xgeo>
    > iv) Y x Xl
    > v) Y x Xh
    > vi) Y x DX
    > I want to know that which one is correct for fluence calculation(i was
    > using last one) and where other option will be useful. what are its
    > meaning.
    > THank you very much.
    > Bhushan
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