Dear Marco
EVENTBIN is exactly like USRBIN only that it prints the results after each
event. There is no possibility for the user to modify this output.
I suppose that you'll have to score energy deposition with What(2)=208.
However, in this regard "per nucleon" doesn't make sense to me. In case I
am missing something could you please post the input?
Best regards
On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Marco Calviani wrote:
> Dear FLUKA list,
> i'm generating Heavy Ions with a user routine, transporting them into a gas
> cell and scoring the released energy with the EVENTBIN card. As far as i
> understood the released energy is given in GeV/nucleon and with the following
> (unformatted) format:
> [...]
> Binning n: 1, "GAS ", Event #: 6, Primary(s) weight 1.0000E+00
> 1.9535E-05
> Binning n: 1, "GAS ", Event #: 7, Primary(s) weight
> 1.0000E+00
> 0.0000E+00
> Binning n: 1, "GAS ", Event #: 8, Primary(s) weight
> 1.0000E+00
> 2.9328E-04
> Binning n: 1, "GAS ", Event #: 9, Primary(s) weight
> 1.0000E+00
> 1.1467E-06
> Binning n: 1, "GAS ", Event #: 10, Primary(s) weight
> 1.0000E+00
> 2.4642E-04
> [...]
> I would like to know if and how is it possible to simplify the output, that is
> just having two column like
> event released_energy
> and the having the released_energy in GeV instead of in GeV/nucleon.
> With my best regards,
> Marco Calviani
-- ___________________________________ Stefan Roesler CERN, SC/RP CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Phone: +41-22-7679891 Fax: +41-22-7669639 E-mail: Stefan.Roesler@cern.chReceived on Tue Apr 1 22:57:12 2008
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