We are in the process of studying energy deposition of ~2MeV neutrons in
scintillator materials (as a ToF study). In our test case, we setup a
rectangular parallelepiped (RPP) 30X30X4cm filled with CH2 ~1g/cm^2 and
the 30x30 surface was illuminated with a perpendicular 2MeV Neutron
pencil beam. Threshold for protons are set E>2MeV such that all recoils
are reported in ENDRAW as depositions, however I can not find an
obviously way to seperate Proton recoils from Carbon in ENDRAW as JTRACK
= 308 (low energy neutron kerma) is reported for both cases. An
alternative of course is the lower the proton threshold so it can be
tracked in MGDRAW main, however this will increase the output size
(excluding some level of processing inside MGDRAW). Any suggestions ??
John Clem
Research Associate Professor
Bartol Research Institute
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 USA=20
Received on Mon Apr 7 16:09:50 2008
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