Dear Jamshid,
your region V02 is badly aligned. It should be like the following
V02 5OR +2 +4OR +2 -5OR +2 -3
However, I would strongly recommend to use the new free format with
names, activated with GEOBEGIN sdum=COMBNAME or with the GLOBAL card. can do the conversion for you (of course once you
fix the alignment problem)
Jamshid Soltani wrote:
> Hi Fluka users,
> when I run my input file,it gives following error:
> /fluka/flutil/rfluka: line 321: 4165 Aborted (core
> dumped) ${EXE} < $INPN 2> $LOGF > $LOGF
> can anyone tell me how I can correct it?
> with regards,
> jamshid
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