Dear Chenyen Lee,
Please add the argument --nodeps when installing flair
rpm -ivh --nodeps flair-0.6-3.noarch.rpm
The problem is that the rpm provided on the web site was created on a=20
Fedora version, and fedora uses different names for the packages than=20
other distributions. For example the tkinter package in fedora is named=20
python-tk in Suse and Ubuntu
Best Regards
Chenyen Lee wrote:
> Dear fluka discuss:
> I'm having trouble installing flair.
> I think I have install the requirement programs but the error
> message is as below:
> root@chenyen:~$ rpm -ivh flair-0.6-3.noarch.rpm
> fail because of incompatible=EF=BC=9A (sorry, I translate the linux
> Chinese message into English,may be not so accurate)
> /bin/bash flair-0.6-3.noarch is required
> /bin/sh flair-0.6-3.noarch is required
> desktop-file-utils >=3D 0.9 flair-0.6-3.noarch is required
> gnuplot flair-0.6-3.noarch is required
> python >=3D 2.3.0 flair-0.6-3.noarch is required
> tk >=3D 8.4 flair-0.6-3.noarch is required
> tkinter flair-0.6-3.noarch is required
> Screenshot is attached, on ubuntu 8.0.4
> Please advise me
> My Best Regards
> Chenyen Lee
> Cyclotron
> Department of Nuclear Medicine
> Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
> Linko, Taiwan
> =20
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