now the problem is in the geometry.
If you look in the eutron-yield-me001.out file, you'll see that there is
an error message referring to body names. The last input has geometry in
the old COMBINAT format, and alignments are wrong. It would be much better
to re-write in the COMBNAME format, that is much safer. Again, I advise
you to use FLAIR to build the input. Also, please have always a look at
.out and .err files when things does not work
> Hi
> Thank you Paola, I used the part for USRYIELD card you email it to me in
> order to get the neutron spectra at different angles, but when I run the
> input file is always give this massage
> "Saving output and random number seed
> No ranneutron-yield-me002 generated!
> No neutron-yield-me001.err generated!"
> I attached the input file.
> Regards,
> Buthaina
>> -
>> Hi
>> The Usryield estimator is different from the usrbdx estimator, in the
>> sense that a sigle estimator does not give both angle and energy
>> distributions:
>> - it provides ethe "spectrum" as a function of the 1st variable, for
>> instance energy, in ONE interval of the second variable, for instance
>> angle, normalized as in double differential distribution.
>> To get spectra at different angles one has to issue as many usryield
>> cards
>> as the number of wished angular bins.
>> The usryield with sdum=beamdef card is normally NOT used. It is useful
>> only in particular cases.
>> For instance, with ( card not aligned..)
>> USRYIELD 2399.0 NEUTRON -21.0 regBe5 regAi3
>> 1.0nFluenUD1
>> USRYIELD 0.2 1D-14 200.0 10.0 0.0 0.0&
>> USRYIELD 2399.0 NEUTRON -21.0 regBe5 regAi3
>> 1.0nFluenUD2
>> USRYIELD 0.2 1D-14 200.0 20.0 10.0 0.0&
>> USRYIELD 2399.0 NEUTRON -21.0 regBe5 regAi3
>> 1.0nFluenUD3
>> USRYIELD 0.2 1D-14 200.0 30.0 20.0 0.0&
>> You'll get three neutron spectra, at 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 degrees
>> To make your life easier, I suggest to use FLAIR to build the input!
>> Paola
>>> dear Alberto,
>>> yes I have plotted it in log scale (the spectrum is attached). my
>>> problem
>>> is why I didn't get the peak for the fast neutron, do I need to
>>> introduce
>>> somthething else to my input file? it is the first time for me to use
>>> USRYIELD estimators.
>>> Regards,
>>> Buthaina
>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>> have you tried to plot you spectrum on a log scale for abscissae?
>>>> Probably most neutrons are evaporation neutrons, with energies
>>>> 1-2 MeV. On a linear scale, they are all squeezed in a narrow interval
>>>> about 1% of the whole scale
>>>> Alberto
>>>> On Fri, 9 May 2008, Buthaina Abdalla Suleiman Adam wrote:
>>>>> Dear FLUKA user,
>>>>> I am using USRYIELD estimator to score neutron fluence (double
>>>>> differential) produced from the interaction of 200 MeV (kinetic
>>>>> energy)
>>>>> proton beam with a thin target of Be-9 (1.2cm). The inputfile is
>>>>> attached.
>>>>> The result I obtained are not what I expected e.g the neutron
>>>>> spectrum
>>>>> (see attached file) shows a trend which is opposite of what is
>>>>> expected.
>>>>> I
>>>>> will be grateful for your input.
>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>> Buthaina Adam
>>>> --
>>>> Alberto Fasso`
>>>> SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
>>>> Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569
>>>> fasso@slac.stanford.edu
>> Paola Sala
>> INFN Milano
>> tel. Milano +39-0250317374
>> tel. CERN +41-227679148
>> Paola Sala
>> INFN Milano
>> tel. Milano +39-0250317374
>> tel. CERN +41-227679148
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Mon May 12 15:24:06 2008
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