Dear Sujoy
you are right that the 180mg/cm2 of Polystyrene (even the 14mg/cm2)
should be sufficient to stop a 210keV electron. But we believe the
energy deposition you see in CaSO4 it comes from the Bremsstrahlung
photons produced by you electron beam. Please try to add a USRBIN as
well USRBDX detectors to score the electron and photon fluence in your
problem to find out the contributions of each one.
For information on the physics treatment done by FLUKA I would suggest
the EM-FLUKA lecture on the last FLUKA course, which can be found on the
fluka web site.
Vasilis wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> Recently I have simulated total energy deposition for Pm-147 source under 180 mg/cm2 of Polystyrene and under 14 mg/cm2 of polystyrene in CaSO4. Total energy deposited in CaSO4 under 14 mg/cm2 was found to be 3.4346E-11 MeV/cm3 per unit primary electron and under 180 mg/cm2 was found to be 2.7374E-11 MeV/cm3 per unit primary electron. But the thickness of 180 mg/cm2 is enough to stop all the electrons from Pm-147 source having Emax of 0.210 MeV. But the results shows that the energy deposited under 14 mg/cm2 and that under 180 mg/cm2 are near to each other. Hence I would like to know how electrons contributed to the energy deposition even when it is under a shielding, which is higher than the range of the max energy of the electrons. Even range straggling should not contribute to energy deposition under 180 mg/cm2 of polystyrene. In such case I would also like to know the details of the physics treatment done by FLUKA for electron transport.
> With regards,
> Sujoy
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