A new job position has been opened at SLAC, that could be of
interest to some FLUKA users.
The announcement can be found on
I copy it here (but go to the above link to apply):
Req Number: 34667
Job Title: Health Physicist
Directorate: C00000 - Operations Directorate
Percent Time: 100%
Duration: Continuing
Open To: All
The Radiation Protection Department (RPD) at SLAC is responsible for providing
oversight for the safe operation of all radiological work at SLAC and performs
shielding calculations for beam lines, experiments and facilities. RPD Health
Physicists identify potential sources of ionizing radiation for existing and new
experiments and projects and define radiation protection measures to minimize
the exposure to personnel and the impact to the environment. The mission of RPD
also includes but is not limited to: managing the operational Radiological
Protection Program at SLAC, monitoring of the occupational exposure of
personnel, radiological environmental protection program, and management of
radioactive materials, sources and of low-level and mixed radioactive waste. The
staff of Radiation Physics Group (RPG) in the RPD will participate in radiation
protection studies to develop and optimize measures that protect personnel,
environment and equipment for various facilities and projects which include the
Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation
Laboratory (SSRL) at SLAC, and the International Linear Collider (ILC). RPG
staff members are responsible for radiological considerations and operational
aspects of the facilities to which he/she has been assigned. The main
responsibilities of this position will be to: 1) ensure the safe radiological
operation of beams by a. working closely with experimenters, engineers, and
accelerator physicists in safety design of experiments and beam lines b.
calculate radiation dose rates under various beam loss and shielding conditions
c. assist in calculating heat loads for critical devices, e.g., beam stops,
collimators, etc., d. assist in the design of the Personnel Protection System
(PPS) and Beam Containment System (BCS),* e. supervise initial radiation
measurements and establish area monitoring at new beam lines*, and f. work
closely with RP Field Operation Group personnel in monitoring routine
radiological operations at SLAC.* 2) assist accelerator physicists on all
radiation protection aspects of machine design, operation, and maintenance of
the accelerators. 3) develop and maintain radiation transport codes to be used
for detector design, machine development, induced radioactivity, shielding, and
dosimetry. 4) perform shielding calculation, induced radioactivity and dose to
personnel, equipment and environment using Monte Carlo computer codes. 5) assist
experimenters in determining causes of their radiation backgrounds and in
designing shields to minimize the problem. 6) assist engineers and physicists in
avoiding or minimizing radiation damage problems by performing calculations and
providing high-dose dosimetry services in the mega rad range. 7) participate
actively in research and development activities in radiation/health physics in
support of overall SLAC mission; publish R&D results and participate actively in
professional meetings, and development opportunities in the field. 8) document
radiological protection measures for submittal to regulatory agencies at each
stage of the design, commissioning, and operation of the new facilities * 9)
provide support and oversight for safe radiological operations at accelerators
and beam lines by creating procedures and establishing protocols (e.g., Beam
Authorization Sheets), in conjunction with the cognizant safety offices in line
organizations * 10) as needed, participate in committees (internal and external)
that develop and review the radiation protection programs.* 11) participate in
the development of the radiation protection program at SLAC, which involves the
study of codes of federal regulations, DOE orders, state and local regulations
and internal policies and procedures, and writing technical basis documents.
**If the successful candidate has sufficient expertise to perform the full range
of responsibilities independently, hire at the 3P4 level.
Required Skills
Ph.D. in health physics, nuclear engineering, or a related field. Working
knowledge of shielding design, dosimetry, activation calculations, and radiation
safety systems used in accelerators. Up to several years of experience in the
use of Monte-Carlo radiation transport codes for shielding design and
radiological studies. Strong computer and programming skills on operating
systems of Linux, Windows, and UNIX. Strong oral and written communication
skills Applicant should able to work effectively, both independently and within
a team, and be willing to work on nights and weekends when necessary. Desired
skills* Demonstrated extensive experience in the use of Monte Carlo radiation
transport codes for shielding design and radiological studies in high energy
accelerators and/or synchrotron radiation facilities Extensive work experience
in design of shielding, dosimetry, activation calculations, and radiation safety
systems for high-energy particle accelerators, and/or synchrotron radiation
facilities. Working knowledge of nuclear instrumentation and radiation survey
instruments. Experience with general operational radiation protection programs
Excellent interpersonal skills to effectively communicate (oral & written) with
technical and administrative staff, managers, regulatory agencies. *If the
successful candidate has extensive experience and expertise in both the required
and desired skills listed above, hire at the 3P4 level.
-- Alberto Fasso` SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025 Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569 fasso@slac.stanford.eduReceived on Fri Jun 6 23:05:14 2008
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