Dear Marina,
presently FLUKA uses for U-238 cross section based on ENDF/B-VI
evaluations. Actual cross section information can be obtained by giving
a printing flag by setting WHAT(4) of the LOW-NEUT card to 1. The
information is then written to the *.out file. Find more information in
the chapter "Output" of the FLUKA manual.
Fission neutrons are created using a group-dependent fission
probability. They are emitted isotropically and with an energy sampled
from a fission spectrum which is specific for the isotope. Find more
information in the chapter "Low-energy neutrons" of the FLUKA manual.
Cheers, Florian
Marina Barbui wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> I would like to use FLUKA to estimate the production of exotic fission
> fragments produced by a proton beam of energy 1 GeV impinging on a thick
> Uranium Carbide target.
> I would like to know what cross-section data are used by FLUKA and if
> the effect of secondary neutrons produced inside the target is taken
> into account in the FLUKA simulation.
> Thank you,
> Marina
> ------
> Marina Barbui Ph.D.
> I.N.F.N. Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
> viale dell'Universita', 2
> 35020 Legnaro (PD) Italy
> tel.: +390498068623
> e-mail:
> skype: marina0175
-- ########################################### Florian Sommerer European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN AB-ATB-EET Mailbox Z04500 Geneve 23 CH-1211 Switzerland Tel : +41 2276 75582 Fax : +41 2276 77555 ###########################################Received on Fri Jun 13 10:09:10 2008
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