Dear Fluka Users,
I am a new FLUKA user.I used very simple geometry to calculate the
electron ,photon and positron fluence after a lead target.I incident
2.5GeV electron pencil beam on lead target and by using the USRBDX
card i score the fluence after the target. I got very nice spectra
for e- and photon from 0 to Maximum (2.5GeV) as expected . But the
e+ spectrum also shows a distribution from 0 to 2.5GeV. But i think
the positron production is only through pair production , if so then
it must go from 0 to 1.25GeV[(2.5GeV-1.02MeV)/2 ]. Then how in FLUKA
simulation I got the spectrum upto 2.5GeV.
So please help me in this regard.
Thank You
With Regards
Prasanta Kumar Sahani
Scientific Officer-C
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology
Received on Wed Jun 18 18:09:14 2008
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