(smtp1.mi.infn.it []); Wed, 23 Jul 2008 12:31:12 +0200 (CEST)
Sender: owner-fluka-discuss@mi.infn.it
Dear Ariel,
the ^M in the output file indicates that in your input file there are
line endings in the Windows style (carriage return + line feed) but
FLUKA expects the UNIX style (only line feed).
This could happed for example if you send the file per email or if the
preferences in your editor are set to produce Windows like file endings.
To make this go away you need to convert your input with a program like
dos2unix or you convert it with your editor, if it supports that.
Surprisingly, the input file you send was using the proper line endings.
I could run it without problems (but I have not tried on Ubuntu). The
source.f file had the wrong line endings but there it does not matter.
Cheers, Florian
Ariel Shnitzer wrote:
> Sorry about the long hiatus, I was working on other issues this past 2
> weeks. Thank you all for replying. I have tried all of the solutions
> that were emailed to me. I tried:
> 1. Changing the first line of rfluka, lfluka, and fff to direct to
> bash instead of (da)sh
> 2. Changing the double equal sign in line 308 to a single (=to =3. A
> combination of 1 and 2
> Solution 1 made the continual -e go away, although it is moot,
> considering that it was only visual, and did not cause any run errors.
> Solution 2 seemed to do nothing, so I undid that change, while leaving
> the 3 files in solution 1 to use bash.
> I have attached my files in a tar.gz file so that you can see them as
> I run them. I also included the outputs generated by FLUKA.
> To answer the questions that were asked:
> 1. I have successfully run FLUKA
> 2. FLUPRO environmental variable is set to the correct directory
> 3. One thing I noticed in the output files is a ^M inserted seemingly
> randomly
> One time, when I was trying to debug, I did notice that I accidentally
> ran my modified source file with the example input file, and it ran,
> although I wasn't sure what to make of the data! Therefore, I agree
> with Florian Sommerer that it is the input file that is giving me a
> problem somewhere.
> Thanks,
> Ariel Shnitzer
-- ########################################### Florian Sommerer European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN AB-ATB-EET Mailbox Z04500 Geneve 23 CH-1211 Switzerland Tel : +41 2276 75582 Fax : +41 2276 77555 ###########################################Received on Wed Jul 23 12:38:57 2008
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