Dear Paola, I changed (near randomly ;-) ) MXUSBX value from 700 to 1200
because NMXEBN was already set to 1200 but I had a max energy division of
"only" 1000 bins.
Now, I tried your suggestion, I put MXUSBX to its original value 700 and I
raised NMXEBN from 1200 to 2200. It works BUT I get the same (correct)
Information technology mysteries.
Thanks 4 your help.
Dear Alessandro, in principle it is wrong, I do not know why the error vanished..
the parameter MXUSBX controls the maximum number of USRBDX structures that
can be read from one file, that means the max number of USRBDX cards
assigned to the same output unit. Moreover, changing it to 1200 clashes with
the max iteration in the loop that reads the usrbdx data.
The parameter that controls the maximum number of energy bins for each
usrbdx is NMXEBN. It should be at least equal to the number of energy bins
plus one. Warning: when scoring low energy neutrons, NMXEBN must also
contain the number of low energy neutron groups that are scored.
hope this helps
> Dear all, I changed the PARAMETER ( MXUSBX = 700 ) from 700 to 1200
> and recompiled a MYuswsuw routine.
> The error vanished !
> Is it right ???
> Best regards
> Alessandro
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Tue Aug 26 10:50:19 2008
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