(smtp1.mi.infn.it []); Mon, 08 Sep 2008 16:46:43 +0200 (CEST)
Sender: owner-fluka-discuss@mi.infn.it
I am running fluka for the first time. I am experiencing a problem with
regards to output.
Below is a typical message I receive when executing example.inp.
I am not sure what is going on, please help.
[ruan@rsteynlaptop flukaold]$ $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -N0 -M1 example &=20
[1] 6980
[ruan@rsteynlaptop flukaold]$ $TARGET_MACHINE =3D Linux
$FLUPRO =3D /home/ruan/flukaold
6980: old priority 0, new priority 10
Initial seed already existing
Running fluka in /home/ruan/flukaold/fluka_6980
File /home/ruan/flukaold/sigmapi.bin exists and it is not a link!
File /home/ruan/flukaold/elasct.bin exists and it is not a link!
File /home/ruan/flukaold/nuclear.bin exists and it is not a link!
File /home/ruan/flukaold/fluodt.dat exists and it is not a link!
File /home/ruan/flukaold/neuxsc_72.bin exists and it is not a link!
File /home/ruan/flukaold/xnloan.dat exists and it is not a link!
Running FLUKA for cycle # 1
Received on Tue Sep 9 00:35:35 2008
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Tue Sep 09 2008 - 00:35:38 CEST