Hi Johannes
This is typical Chris. He is to modest to tell you something about his
program SimpleGeo.
With his program you can easily design and plot FLUKA geometries in 3D.
On top of that you can also overlay
USRBINs within shortest delay or create particle tracks through the
Check out his webpage. Especially the folder gallery or the videos might
be interesting for you, since it shows nice pictures or videos produced
by the program.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-fluka-discuss@mi.infn.it
[mailto:owner-fluka-discuss@mi.infn.it] On Behalf Of Chris Theis
Sent: 23 September 2008 22:23
To: J.Stiller@stud.uni-heidelberg.de; fluka-discuss@fluka.org
Subject: AW: Photo realistic image
Hi Johannes,
basically (more or less) photo-realistic images like the one you've seen
can be created with any kind of ray-tracing or scanline rendering
package (povray, 3ds max, cinema4d, blender etc.) once you manage to get
your geometry into them. The next step is to extract the respective data
planes from a USRBIN, create the corresponding color plot images and use
them as a texture which is mapped onto the object before rendering.
Either you write your own software to do the extraction and image
creation or maybe there are some scripts/blender plugins available that
could help you during this step. I'm not aware of a public tool but you
might ask Vasilis who created the picture.
In any case one should be aware that the process of texture mapping is
not as simple as it might seem. As soon as you're leaving planar
surfaces things become more tricky regarding texture coordinates and the
different mapping transformations that are offered by the renderer of
your choice. You will always obtain an image but the placement might be
incorrect due to mapping distortions. Depending on the case and the
software used this can require some experience to get a correct result.
Von: owner-fluka-discuss@mi.infn.it im Auftrag von =3D
Gesendet: Di 23.09.2008 18:35
An: fluka-discuss@fluka.org
Betreff: Photo realistic image
Hello everybody,
I have a rather general question concerning one of the flair screens
shots. If one has a look at the different screen shots there is a
photo realistic image of the USRBIN data as surface map. How are those
3D plots done (I am referring to screen shot number 12) or where can I
read more about it?
Thanks, Johannes
Received on Wed Sep 24 16:35:14 2008
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