I am trying to benchmark FLUKA against data for the multiplicity of
antiproton annihilation products from a 220 MeV beam incident on liquid
propane. Can anyone give me advice on the best way to calculate the
multiplicity? I'm specifically interested in pions, kaons, and ions.
So far I've found the following section in the standard output file
(e.g. pbar001.out):
Number of secondaries generated in inelastic interactions per beam particle:
Prompt radiation Radioactive decays
1.0441E+01 (100.%) 0.0000E+00 (100.%)
1.0680E+00 (10.2%) 0.0000E+00 ( 0.0%) 4-HELIUM
2.1800E-01 ( 2.1%) 0.0000E+00 ( 0.0%) 3-HELIUM
1.9300E-01 ( 1.8%) 0.0000E+00 ( 0.0%) TRITON
3.9200E-01 ( 3.8%) 0.0000E+00 ( 0.0%) DEUTERON
0.0000E+00 ( 0.0%) 0.0000E+00 ( 0.0%) HEAVYION
Is this the best place to find what I'm looking for? Should I be using
one of the scoring cards instead?
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