Hi David,
Default thresholds for electrons and gammas are mentioned in the Manual
in a Note under Emfcut:
1) Default values are available for the electron and photon production
thresholds in electromagnetic interactions, but they are generated
by a complex logic based on possible other settings (transport
cut-offs, delta-ray production thresholds, DEFAULTS card, other
defaults). It is not always guaranteed that the resulting values be
appropriate to the problem of interest. Therefore, in order to have
good control of the physics, the user is recommended to provide
explicit threshold values, or at least to check them on the main
In order to be sure what is applied it is always useful to check the
output file. Production cutoffs are listed here, e.g.:
Rho = 8.00000 g/cm**3 Rlc= 1.71175 cm
Ae = 1.51100 MeV Ue = 5083.24 MeV
Ap = 0.333333 MeV Up = 5082.73 MeV
dE/dx fluctuations activated for this medium, level 1
below the threshold for explicit secondary electron production
(up to 2I discrete levels, up to 2 K-edges)
and transport cutoffs just below
Ecut = 1.5110E+00 MeV, Pcut = 3.3333E-01 MeV, BIAS = F,
Ray. = F, S(q,Z) = T, Pz(q,Z) = F
As you can see the default values in your case are 1MeV kinetic energy for
electrons/positrons (the above energies are total energy) and 333keV for
What to use for shielding calculations depends on the problem (beam
particle, energy, geometry). Since you go as low as 10keV in your source
routine your thesholds should probably be set to the lower limit in FLUKA,
i.e. 1keV.
On Sat, 18 Oct 2008, David Horvath wrote:
> Dear Stefan and Alfredo,
> thank you for looking into my problem.
> I made also a run with BIASING WHAT(3) = 1.0, but with this setting the
> usimbs.f is ignored, and no biasing is applied.
> Stefan:
> And thank you for pointing out the inappropiate production and transport
> cut-off settings.
> Can you tell me what are the default cut-off enegries, I couldn't find
> them in the manual.
> I tried out the following settings:
> EMFCUT -1D-6 1D-6 0.0 AIR @LASTMAT
> EMFCUT -1D-3 1D-6 0.0 BlckHole @LASTREG
> Am I right to set a high electron transport cut-off energy to a
> shielding calculation?
> Cheers,
> David
> Stefan Roesler =EDrta:
> > Hi Alfredo,
> >
> > I looked into the problem of David and found some strange things:
> >
> > If I set Biasing/What(3)=3D'blank' and Sdum=3D'USER', e.g.
> >
> > BIASING 0.0 1. BlckHole @LASTREG USER
> >
> > I get a stop
> >
> > Abort called from DOEIMB reason .NOT.LIMPRE Run stopped!
> >
> > I have the impression that the code thinks there is no importance biasing
> > and is missing some initialization(?)
> >
> > Furthermore, if I set What(3)=3D1 and use David's usimbs I get consistent
> > results with the other two cases while if I set What(3)=3D2 I can confirm
> > Davids observations. Taking into accound that usimbs sets FIMP either 1 or 0
> > 2 it looks stange to me that this should be due to biasing-artifacts. What
> > do you think?
> >
> > btw, to David: the default thresholds for transport and production of
> > gamma and e+/e- might not be suitable (too high) as you have primaries
> > down to 10keV(?)
> >
> >
> > Cheers
> > Stefan
-- ___________________________________ Stefan Roesler CERN, SC/RP CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Phone: +41-22-7679891 Fax: +41-22-7669639 E-mail: Stefan.Roesler_at_cern.chReceived on Sat Oct 18 2008 - 19:54:03 CEST
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