Dear Burge,
This message means you are running low on physical memory on your computer.
Reduce the memory allocated to flupix for example to 512MB and add a
swap space (you can find the swap.vdi in file)
Burge, F (Frances) wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have recently installed Flupix to run on VirtualBox on a Windows XP
> machine, which has the necessary 1 GB RAM. The installation seems to
> have been successful and I allocated the base memory of 768 MB as
> recommended in the Flupix installation instructions. However as soon as
> I attempt to run a calculation with Flair (working in the /home/work
> directory), I get the attached error message. I'm not running any other
> applications at the same time.
> Is there any way to get round this with the various installation
> options, or is it just that my computer cannot handle the memory demands
> of VirtualBox ?
> Thanks,
> Frances
> Frances Burge
> Health Physicist
> 01235 778269
> Diamond Light Source Ltd.
> Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
> Didcot
> Oxfordshire
> OX11 0DE
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