> I'm also interested in doing the same thing. I do know that one can
> write a non-MPI FORTRAN program and put in special calls such as
> MPI_INIT, MPI_COMM_RANK, etc. and compile it in a special way that you
> will end up with an MPI version of your program. Can the same thing be
> done with FLUKA? If the answer is 'yes,' where would one put the
> appropriate CALLs?
even though Monte Carlo is a prototypical application for parallel
computing it is not that straightforward. Using these predefined
compiler directives & libs like MPI or OpenMP you can parallelize
software more easily than in the past but there are still a lot of
subtle issues like non-shared memory, race conditions, I/O locks etc.
that need to be addressed. I´m afraid that for complex software like
FLUKA this goes far beyond adding a number of special calls.
What one could do without adapting the source is to use a scheduler/load
balancing system (e.g., Condor) to send multiple individual FLUKA jobs
to a cluster where each node will run its own batch of calculations.
Best regards
Chris Theis
CERN/SC-RP - European Organization for Nuclear Research
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 767 8069 Office: 892-2A-015
Von: im Auftrag von Joel DeWitt
Gesendet: Do 30.10.2008 19:32
Betreff: Re: FLUKA in MPI Environment
I'm also interested in doing the same thing. I do know that one can
write a non-MPI FORTRAN program and put in special calls such as
MPI_INIT, MPI_COMM_RANK, etc. and compile it in a special way that you
will end up with an MPI version of your program. Can the same thing be
done with FLUKA? If the answer is 'yes,' where would one put the
appropriate CALLs?
Joel DeWitt wrote:
> Hi,
> Here I can run some programs in our computer farm which have many
> cpus. So I don't know if the fluka can run in MPI envirement. On linux
> envirement, when I use the commond: $ mpirun -np 10
> $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -N0 -M2 example1 &, I find there is only one cpu
> working. In fact, I don't make succussion for the MPI calculations using
> above command. How can I carry out parallel calculations for fluka in
> the MPI envirement? Thank you very much! =20
> =09Jing Hantao
> =092008-10-29
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