Dear Andrzej
First of all a physics consideration:
are you sure that counting the number of neutrons is a meaningful thing
to do? (it depends on the case you are simulating).
Physical effect depend on fluence (or track-length), not on number.
If you decide that in you case is meaningful, then you ave to set
a USRBDX using current instead of fluence, and then
integrate the result in the range less or equal to 20 MeV.
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, andrzej wrote:
> Dear Fluka users
> I have a simple queston. How can I calculate ( most simple) total number
> of neutrons from low energy range (E<20MeV)?
> Andrzej Wojciechowski
Received on Sun Nov 02 2008 - 12:31:41 CET
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