Dear FLUKA users,
the 3rd respin of Fluka2008.3 is available on the web. It corrects the
following issues:
a) a mistake when user importance biasing was applied to photons (thanks
to David Horvath for pointing out the problem). On top of the mistake
correction, a change in the code logic has been applied to all neutral
particles when user defined importance biasing is activated. Since in
absence of boundary crossings neutral particles fly from one
interaction to another, user defined importance biasing was de facto
ineffective in those cases. Now, only for neutral particles, the
user can suggest a reduced step through the newly created entry
USIMST in the usimbs user routine. The default is cutting the proposed
step in 2. In general users should reduce the proposed step so that
particles don't fly longer than the distance between the virtual
boundaries used for user defined biasing
b) Thanks to what has been pointed out by Jonathan Pochon on the
discussion list (see the thread at
), in case of ion beams, USRYIELD scoring requesting the use of a cross
section is now performed with the actual cross section of the beam
particle, and no longer with that of a proton having the same velocity.
Thus, there is no longer need to add a further USRYIELD card with
SDUM=BEAMDEF for this purpose, as suggested before.
c) Moreover, USRYIELD allows now to score HEAVYIONs emerging from
inelastic hadronic interactions. Note that the light nuclei 4He, 3He,
triton and deuteron are not included in the results, since for each of
them a dedicated particle type is available
d) some extra robustness has been added to the geometry tracking in
case of lattices
e) a recently introduced (inadvertent) bug in the nucleon decay event
generator has been corrected
f) the manuals have been updated in a few points
As a consequence of b) and e) two commons have changed, so please
recompile possible user routines.
As a consequence of a) a new entry is now part of the usimbs routine.
Users who had their own versions of this routine, are urged to update.
As usual support and bug corrections will be available only for those
who update to fluka2008.3.3.
-- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + | | CERN-AB || Fax.: + | | 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: | | Switzerland || | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+Received on Tue Nov 11 2008 - 21:45:31 CET
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