Hi Noemi,
I'm sorry, I cannot reproduce your crash. On my PC, the run ends
successfully..I do not know what happens.
Please try, if possible, to run in interactive mode on the same machine
that gives the crash. You'll need less than 80000 primaries: if you look
in your .err file, you can see that the number of primaries and the random
seed are written every 7000 histories, and the last written one after
70000 primaries.
If you change the START card, putting what(5)>0., the number of primaries
and the random seed will be printed at each history. In this way, you
could re-start the run exactly with the history that crashes, to speed up
debugging and to check that there are no dirty variables carried from one
history to the other or non-initialized.
Sorry, I cannot do the checks myself!
> Hi all,
> I forgot to attach the USRMED routine at my first e-mail! All the user
> routines (file user_routines.tar.gz) called in my executable file
> (myfluka) are attached to this e-mail.
> Sorry,
> noemi
> Alfredo Ferrari wrote:
>> Hi
>> could you please send the data files read by the source routine?
>> Without it is not possible to reproduce the problem
>> Ciao
>> Alfredo
>> On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, Finetti Noemi wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have installed FLUKA 2008.3 on a linux machine (Model: 2 AMD Opteron
>>> (tm) Processor 244 - 1.8GHz; Operating system: Linux - Scientific Linux
>>> 3.0.5; with g77) where I have compiled my executable file (myfluka)
>>> which calls the user routines USRINI, HISTIN,SOURCE, USRMED, USROUT
>>> (see
>>> user_routines.tar.gz). Executing the job in batch (for 399528
>>> primaries)
>>> the run crashed while running the same job interactively (for 100
>>> primaries) every thing was fine. What could be the reasons?
>>> I point out that the batch job was executed on a 2 Dual Core AMD
>>> Opteron(tm) Processor 280 - 2.4 GHz with Linux - Scientific Linux
>>> 3.0.8.
>>> In attachment the LSF message, the gdb output (file fluka_gdb.out), the
>>> files .err, .log, .out, fort.1 and fort.2.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> noemi
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Address: Dott.ssa Noemi Finetti
> c/o Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita' degli Studi dell'Aquila
> Via Vetoio - 67010 Coppito - L'Aquila - Italy
> * Phone: +39-0862-433051 (Office); +39-0862-433043 (Laboratory)
> * Fax: +39-0862-433033 (Department).
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Tue Dec 02 2008 - 15:46:43 CET
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