Dear all, It's the first time I get the following error in .ERR file:
"detect: histogram overflow ..." as you can see in the attached file.
I always used the following construct without any problem... till now...
*============ REGISTRAZIONE DEGLI EVENTI ==========
* rilevamento da 0 1024 keV
*DETECT 0.0 0.0 1.024E-3 1.0 1.0LOW
* rilevamento da 1000 keV a 2024 keV
DETECT 0.0 1.E-3 2.024E-3 1.0 1.0HIGH
Sorry for the misalignment but I can't preserve the correct layout here.
WHATs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, were used.
Any ideas ???
Best regards
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