Dear Sergey,
Giuseppe Battistoni is right when he says that FLUKA does not follow the
GEANT4 policy based on user "physics lists". And as he said, the closest
thing to that in FLUKA are the different DEFAULTS suggested for various
However, there are many "handles" in FLUKA by which one can tune some of
the physics (not all!). Since a list has never been made before, I have tri=
to prepare one, which I show below. For each process or process threshold,
I have reported the corresponding FLUKA command or commands. Many commands
are already implicit in some DEFAULTS, others are not. Some processes can b=
switched on, others can be switched off, others can both. Please check
on the manual the corresponding command, and especially the Notes, for
instructions and warnings.
Be careful: it is a tentative list, and I ask my colleagues to check it,
correct it and complete it if I have made mistakes or missed something. If=
everybody likes it, we can put it somewhere in the manual, or in the Freque=
Asked Questions.
Beta decay spectra: RADDECAY
Binding corrections to Compton scattering: EMFRAY
Binding corrections to Rayleigh scattering: EMFRAY
Charmed hadron decay: PHYSICS
Charmed hadron transport: PHYSICS
Charm production in deep inelastic neutrino interactions: PHYSICS
Charm production in charged current neutrino interactions: PHYSICS
Cherenkov production: OPT-PROD
Coalescence: PHYSICS
Decays of pions+/-, muons+/-, Kaon+/- (e-nue, mu-numu, K+/-mu3 and K+/-e3
channels) and Klong (K0mu3 and K0e3 channels): PHYSICS
Delta ray production: DELTARAY
Density effect: STERNHEI
DPMJET interactions for hadrons: PHYSICS
Electron and photon transport: EMF
Evaporation model: PHYSICS
Fluorescence: EMFFLUO
Generation of primary ionization electrons: IONFLUCT
Hadronic decays: PHYSICS
Heavy fragment evaporation: PHYSICS
Heavy fragment transport: EVENTYPE
Heavy ion electromagnetic dissociation: PHYSICS
Heavy ion interactions: DPMJET
Heavy ion transport: EVENTYPE
Heavy particle e+/e- pair production PAIRBREM
Heavy particle bremsstrahlung production: PAIRBREM
Ionization fluctuations: IONFLUCT
Leptonic decays: PHYSICS
Low-energy neutron transport: LOW-NEUT
Multiple scattering spin-relativistic corrections: MULSOPT
Multiple scattering nuclear finite size effects: MULSOPT
Multiple scattering suppression: MULSOPT
Muon photonuclear interactions: MUPHOTON
Neutrino deep inelastic interactions: PHYSICS
Neutrino interactions: PHYSICS
Neutrino quasielastic interactions: PHYSICS
Neutrino resonant interactions: PHYSICS
Optical photon transport: OPT-PROP
Particles not transported: DISCARD
Particle transport threshold: PART-THR, EMFCUT
Photomuon production: PHOTONUC
Photon polarization: POLARIZA
Photonuclear reactions: PHOTONUC
Polarization in pi/K and mu dacays: PHYSICS
Radioactive decay: RADDECAY
Rayleigh scattering: EMFRAY
Scintillation light production: OPT-PROD
Single scattering: MULSOPT
Threshold for Bhabha/Moller scattering: EMFCUT
Threshold for bremsstrahlung production by e+/e-: EMFCUT
Threshold for Compton scattering: EMFCUT
Threshold for e+ annihilation: EMFCUT
Threshold for gamma pair production: EMFCUT
Threshold for hadron elastic scattering: THRESHOL
Threshold for hadron inelastic scattering: THRESHOL
Threshold for heavy ion interactions: PHYSICS
Threshold for the PEANUT model: PHYSICS
Threshold for photoelectric effect: EMFCUT
Threshold for photonuclear interactions: EMFCUT, PHOTONUC
Threshold for Rayleigh scattering: EMFCUT
Threshold for transport of decay radiation
Threshold for transport of prompt radiation
Time transport cut-off: TIME-CUT
On Sun, 11 Jan 2009, Giuseppe Battistoni wrote:
> Dear Sergey
> I want to remember that the philosophy of FLUKA rejects the policy of
> GEANT4 which leaves to the user the responsibility of choosing the
> so called "physics list".
> FLUKA is written in such a way to activate all the available
> relevant physics.
> In order to know what I mean be relevant physics, first of all, you need
> to check which DEFAULT you are using.
> The general physics processes activated for each DEFAULT choice are
> listed on the manual when you look for the DEFAULT command.
> The user can switch off or on some processes (photonuclear interaction,
> delta-ray production, low-energy neutron transport, etc, etc.) with
> some specific commands.
> I advice you to study some lectures from one of the recent FLUKA courses
> in order to learn about the relevant commands which drive the physics
> choices
> For instance go to
> download and study at least the lectures on Physics Models 1 and 2, Low
> Energy neutrons, Ionization and transport.
> Best regards
> =09Giuseppe Battistoni
> On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 wrote:
>> Hello fluka experts.
>> When I model some experiment, I don't know which physics processes are p=
resented in my experiment. How can I obtain this information?
>> I need this information for correct comparison of my results with result=
s obtaining from GEANT4. User in GEANT4 experiment has to write in input fi=
le which physics processes will be represented in his experiment.
>> Best Regards!
>> Sergey Merts
Alberto Fass=F2
SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569
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